Thursday, February 26, 2004
I'm on fire,
And now I think I'm ready
To bust a move
Check it out
I'm rockin' steady, go!
If you don't who the band is by the lyrics, it's Motion City Soundtrack. And with the power of digital cable, I've been watching their funny, crazy, cool music video way too much for my own good but they're just that crazy/cool.
Backtracking to Sunday. It's three o'clock in the afternoon and I realize that I left all my english reseach stuff at school. What is the rational thing to do in my position? I scream and flail around and throw stuff around in my room. Shortly after, my dad suggests that I go up to the school to get it since they were holding the wake for Mr. Rost that day. After gathering up all my courage, I get up there and I see the security dude in the parking lot area. I tell him my situation and he lets me get to my locker for the stuff. I can't thank you enough Mr. security dude. You are a life saver. Then I stayed up until three in the morning finishing it.
Wednesday, I had my ortho. appointment. Good news is the damned gap is finally gone. Bad news is I still have this damned metal on my teeth. From there I proceeded to get ready for the Ritter vs. Wrigley Rumble!!!!!!!!!!
For those out there who are unfortunate to know of the greatest wrestling event of the season, I must enlighten you now before you live another second in the darkness. Coach Wrigley and Ritter pick from the wrestlers who don't go to state to be on their teams. The wrestlers who get to go to state act as referees. Then we wrestle in the most awaited duel of the year. Alex Salamat wore his luchadore mask again this year. Nilo and Brody set up their match like a pro-wrestling match in the first minute. Nilo did a cool move with his legs to take Brody down and Brody choke-slammed Nilo. It was an entertaining match. In Andy Acton and Sean Buckleau's match, they danced for a couple of seconds before they both got serious then Andy ended up winning. The Fleming brothers had to face each other and Danny ended up winning. I had the good fortune this year to be on coach Wrigley's team. One of the bad ass coaches, coach Wrigley don't take no s*** from anyone. And I was chosen to be on his team.
Well, back to the rumble. Our team (Wrigley), ended up creaming coach Ritter's team even though everyone said we were going to lose with our line up. But, in my match, I lost against Paul Gregory. I actually almost had him in the first period. I nearly had him on his back and then the period ended. Then I made a mistake in the second period and I got pinned. Not fun.
Oh well.
It was a good season and I'm proud to have done so well against Paul in my last match because he went to regionals. When it comes down to it really, all I want in a match is to know I challenged myself to do my best and my opponent challenges me to do my best and in this case, it was such a match.
Today, at the pep assembly, one of the seniors on the team, wore Salamat's luchadore mask in the skit. Awesome. Power to the luchadores.
Watashi-tachi no chiimu wa go tai san de shiai ni katta (Our team won the game)!
And now I think I'm ready
To bust a move
Check it out
I'm rockin' steady, go!
If you don't who the band is by the lyrics, it's Motion City Soundtrack. And with the power of digital cable, I've been watching their funny, crazy, cool music video way too much for my own good but they're just that crazy/cool.
Backtracking to Sunday. It's three o'clock in the afternoon and I realize that I left all my english reseach stuff at school. What is the rational thing to do in my position? I scream and flail around and throw stuff around in my room. Shortly after, my dad suggests that I go up to the school to get it since they were holding the wake for Mr. Rost that day. After gathering up all my courage, I get up there and I see the security dude in the parking lot area. I tell him my situation and he lets me get to my locker for the stuff. I can't thank you enough Mr. security dude. You are a life saver. Then I stayed up until three in the morning finishing it.
Wednesday, I had my ortho. appointment. Good news is the damned gap is finally gone. Bad news is I still have this damned metal on my teeth. From there I proceeded to get ready for the Ritter vs. Wrigley Rumble!!!!!!!!!!
For those out there who are unfortunate to know of the greatest wrestling event of the season, I must enlighten you now before you live another second in the darkness. Coach Wrigley and Ritter pick from the wrestlers who don't go to state to be on their teams. The wrestlers who get to go to state act as referees. Then we wrestle in the most awaited duel of the year. Alex Salamat wore his luchadore mask again this year. Nilo and Brody set up their match like a pro-wrestling match in the first minute. Nilo did a cool move with his legs to take Brody down and Brody choke-slammed Nilo. It was an entertaining match. In Andy Acton and Sean Buckleau's match, they danced for a couple of seconds before they both got serious then Andy ended up winning. The Fleming brothers had to face each other and Danny ended up winning. I had the good fortune this year to be on coach Wrigley's team. One of the bad ass coaches, coach Wrigley don't take no s*** from anyone. And I was chosen to be on his team.
Well, back to the rumble. Our team (Wrigley), ended up creaming coach Ritter's team even though everyone said we were going to lose with our line up. But, in my match, I lost against Paul Gregory. I actually almost had him in the first period. I nearly had him on his back and then the period ended. Then I made a mistake in the second period and I got pinned. Not fun.
Oh well.
It was a good season and I'm proud to have done so well against Paul in my last match because he went to regionals. When it comes down to it really, all I want in a match is to know I challenged myself to do my best and my opponent challenges me to do my best and in this case, it was such a match.
Today, at the pep assembly, one of the seniors on the team, wore Salamat's luchadore mask in the skit. Awesome. Power to the luchadores.
Watashi-tachi no chiimu wa go tai san de shiai ni katta (Our team won the game)!
Saturday, February 21, 2004
Being the boring person that I am, I decide to make a post on a Saturday afternoon when I could be outside doing something. But there was some stuff I wanted to write down so I felt compelled to it.
First off, comments are now available! Yes, now you can comment on how bad my blog really is.
Second, I ran after school yesterday for the first time since Cross Country. I haven't felt that great in a long time. Kevin Mills and I ran, from school,all the way to the tennis club at the plaza and back. That's was at least a good five miles. While running at the plaza, I saw some interesting statues of some Chinese scholar looking people and this statue of a music man with his monkey. Wierd.
Third, I went to the play at school for the second time last night. For all of those who haven't seen it yet, I highly suggest going because its funny and really good. If you're looking for something to laugh about Sunday night and you have nothing to do, go see it.
Fourth, I took my first steps toward getting my driver's license today. I had to get up at 5:30 this morning so my dad could take me to his work at 6:25 where I stayed for an hour and played on the computer there. Fun, fun!!
From there he took me to the driving school I am attending where I crammed a lot of information about driving in 4 hours and next weekend I'll have my permit and all will be good sort of.
Watashi wa kuruma o unten dekiru(I can drive a car.).
First off, comments are now available! Yes, now you can comment on how bad my blog really is.
Second, I ran after school yesterday for the first time since Cross Country. I haven't felt that great in a long time. Kevin Mills and I ran, from school,all the way to the tennis club at the plaza and back. That's was at least a good five miles. While running at the plaza, I saw some interesting statues of some Chinese scholar looking people and this statue of a music man with his monkey. Wierd.
Third, I went to the play at school for the second time last night. For all of those who haven't seen it yet, I highly suggest going because its funny and really good. If you're looking for something to laugh about Sunday night and you have nothing to do, go see it.
Fourth, I took my first steps toward getting my driver's license today. I had to get up at 5:30 this morning so my dad could take me to his work at 6:25 where I stayed for an hour and played on the computer there. Fun, fun!!
From there he took me to the driving school I am attending where I crammed a lot of information about driving in 4 hours and next weekend I'll have my permit and all will be good sort of.
Watashi wa kuruma o unten dekiru(I can drive a car.).
Sunday, February 15, 2004
Finally. The wrestling season is over for me and I don't have to starve myself anymore. I can eat all I want!
Friday was the day before EKL,(Eastern Kansas League for all of you readers who don't live in the area.) and I was 4 lbs. over 132, which was the weight I was supposed to be at if I wanted to be in the 132 weight class for EKL. I was 1 lbs. over after practice, and magically at the weigh-ins the next morning, I was 130.4 lbs. Oh yeah!
So begins the most tiring kind of wrestling meet ever thought of. We had to wrestle against all five of the other schools in dual format meaning I had to wrestle five times.
The first match was easy against a Blue Valley guy even though I couldn't pin him but I did overwhelm him by points. He sucked. The second match against a Blue Valley West kid I pinned in the third period. Then the dread St. Thomas Aquinas match for the third. Here I harnessed all the energy I had left and gave it my all. I ended up getting pinned in the third period. Then the fourth match I wrestled a kid from Blue Valley North West. This kid was freaking strong and I was tired from the Aquinas match so I got pinned in the second period. Then Dan Brody, our 135 varsity guy, told me I had to wrestle for him in the match against Blue Valley North next. Before the next match started though, the power went off and we had to wait until some of the lights came back on. I'm not going to even speak of my next match because it was just too embarassing. Let's just say I got pinned.
Well now that I am done with my season except for the upcoming Ritter Wrigley Rumble AKA the Innersquad Meet which doesn't count in the season. My finishing record is 8-6 JV and 1-3 varsity. yay.
Now I am going to proceed to eat some more food because I can be fat like that.
Moto Taberu(more eating!)
Friday was the day before EKL,(Eastern Kansas League for all of you readers who don't live in the area.) and I was 4 lbs. over 132, which was the weight I was supposed to be at if I wanted to be in the 132 weight class for EKL. I was 1 lbs. over after practice, and magically at the weigh-ins the next morning, I was 130.4 lbs. Oh yeah!
So begins the most tiring kind of wrestling meet ever thought of. We had to wrestle against all five of the other schools in dual format meaning I had to wrestle five times.
The first match was easy against a Blue Valley guy even though I couldn't pin him but I did overwhelm him by points. He sucked. The second match against a Blue Valley West kid I pinned in the third period. Then the dread St. Thomas Aquinas match for the third. Here I harnessed all the energy I had left and gave it my all. I ended up getting pinned in the third period. Then the fourth match I wrestled a kid from Blue Valley North West. This kid was freaking strong and I was tired from the Aquinas match so I got pinned in the second period. Then Dan Brody, our 135 varsity guy, told me I had to wrestle for him in the match against Blue Valley North next. Before the next match started though, the power went off and we had to wait until some of the lights came back on. I'm not going to even speak of my next match because it was just too embarassing. Let's just say I got pinned.
Well now that I am done with my season except for the upcoming Ritter Wrigley Rumble AKA the Innersquad Meet which doesn't count in the season. My finishing record is 8-6 JV and 1-3 varsity. yay.
Now I am going to proceed to eat some more food because I can be fat like that.
Moto Taberu(more eating!)
Sunday, February 08, 2004
This was a fun past four days. No school Thursday and Friday due to the snow so I got to sleep in. Yes! But during those two days, I apparently pigged out according to the scale after practice, because I weighed 139! So I fasted for the rest of the day and the next day at weigh ins, I weighed 135.4. Wow. That was a surprise.
So I wrestled at 135 instead of 130 Saturday at the tournament. In my first match, I pinned the guy in the second period. Then I rested thinking my next match wouldn't be for a while but it was sooner than I expected because my opponent was out there for like a minute before I realized what was going on. So anyway, I got pinned in the second period with only 1 second left. Coach was pissed. I'm pissed right now because I'm pretty sure I could have taken the guy and I was ahead by points.
Then I got home at 4:50 that afternoon and had to get to Kris Elbein's house to meet up with the group at 5:30! Thanks to some fast moves by me and my dad, we were only 10 minutes late. I was happy that this time, the corsage I got for Mary had a stretchy string thing instead of a ribbon I would have had to tie on. We took pictures there before going to the Reverse Restaurant on the Plaza.
Dinner there was awesome. I saw that there was a bug in my water and Becca switched hers with mine. She said her brother, who was going to be a chaperone for the Sadies dance and came along for dinner, would milk the most out of the bug in the water. I think we got free appetizers. Me and Jeff got the same thing for dinner, which was a herb-roasted half-chicken. When it got to the table, it was really half a chicken. I don't want to eat that much chicken in one sitting ever again.
So after that, we headed to the dance. Mary and I got our pictures taken even though I don't take pictures well(You'll notice this if you ever try to get me to smile for a picture). After that, we headed in to the gym where the music was. It was a lot of fun over all. I ended up dancing a bit before it was all over even though I probably looked like a fool. The music took its hold on me and I couldn't help but dance along to the music. I wouldn't say I'm exactly a graceful dancer though so if anyone saw me dancing and was in any way deeply disturbed, I'm sorry.
Well, that's it for now.
So I wrestled at 135 instead of 130 Saturday at the tournament. In my first match, I pinned the guy in the second period. Then I rested thinking my next match wouldn't be for a while but it was sooner than I expected because my opponent was out there for like a minute before I realized what was going on. So anyway, I got pinned in the second period with only 1 second left. Coach was pissed. I'm pissed right now because I'm pretty sure I could have taken the guy and I was ahead by points.
Then I got home at 4:50 that afternoon and had to get to Kris Elbein's house to meet up with the group at 5:30! Thanks to some fast moves by me and my dad, we were only 10 minutes late. I was happy that this time, the corsage I got for Mary had a stretchy string thing instead of a ribbon I would have had to tie on. We took pictures there before going to the Reverse Restaurant on the Plaza.
Dinner there was awesome. I saw that there was a bug in my water and Becca switched hers with mine. She said her brother, who was going to be a chaperone for the Sadies dance and came along for dinner, would milk the most out of the bug in the water. I think we got free appetizers. Me and Jeff got the same thing for dinner, which was a herb-roasted half-chicken. When it got to the table, it was really half a chicken. I don't want to eat that much chicken in one sitting ever again.
So after that, we headed to the dance. Mary and I got our pictures taken even though I don't take pictures well(You'll notice this if you ever try to get me to smile for a picture). After that, we headed in to the gym where the music was. It was a lot of fun over all. I ended up dancing a bit before it was all over even though I probably looked like a fool. The music took its hold on me and I couldn't help but dance along to the music. I wouldn't say I'm exactly a graceful dancer though so if anyone saw me dancing and was in any way deeply disturbed, I'm sorry.
Well, that's it for now.
Thursday, February 05, 2004
Happy Snow Day!!!! After Monday's disapointing school day, today more than makes up for the expected foot of snow for Monday. Last night, I thought I would have school so I finished the fifty or so note cards I had left for English class at about three then went to bed. My dad woke me at about 5:30 to tell me I didn't have school, so then I went back to bed. Got up at 7 something, ate toast. Toast good.
So in German class earlier in the week, Mr. Provencher told me that we might read an article in German over kendo in Japan. Yes!!! The bamboo and the head armor and all the hitting. SO COOL!!! I always wanted to learn Kendo because I would feel more Japanese. That and I watched too many samurai movies back in Japan.
I'm finally starting to get along with Noel so I think I can do anything now.
Out of things to write so I'll stop now.
Takusan yuki!!!!(Lots of snow!)
So in German class earlier in the week, Mr. Provencher told me that we might read an article in German over kendo in Japan. Yes!!! The bamboo and the head armor and all the hitting. SO COOL!!! I always wanted to learn Kendo because I would feel more Japanese. That and I watched too many samurai movies back in Japan.
I'm finally starting to get along with Noel so I think I can do anything now.
Out of things to write so I'll stop now.
Takusan yuki!!!!(Lots of snow!)