Saturday, March 27, 2004
I am finding that my Japanese vocabulary has increased dramatically since starting this blog. Words I didn't even know about like eegakan, (movie theater) I know of because I started this thing. This is great.
So, I tried out for the Spring One Acts Tuesday. This ended better than last year's attempt to be in it. I actually got called back this time. But it gets better. The following day after call backs, they posted who are in the One Acts. I am now the Voice and Jim.
So today after school, Rachel and Hope came over to pick me up for a day of crazy cool fun.
First, we went to the Asian Market where I got some Pocky and some Japanese Green Apple Fruit Chews, both of which I didn't have in a long time. Then we went to Matt Jenkins' house and watched some of Ghost World and some Korean pop singers. There are some crazy Korean icons out there.
After this, we all went to Kin Lin. After that, we went over to Joe Heschmeyer's and took him over to Olive Garden. The free breadsticks were amazing and the waiter was really cool about our colorful language and such. Then we headed for suicide hill to play at the park there which was awesome because I never had a chance to climb on bars and things for ages. That was pretty much it.
There's some lightning that seems really close right now judging by how loud the thunder is. Well, oyasumi for now.
Tooku de kaminari ga natte iru (It's thundering in the distance.).
So, I tried out for the Spring One Acts Tuesday. This ended better than last year's attempt to be in it. I actually got called back this time. But it gets better. The following day after call backs, they posted who are in the One Acts. I am now the Voice and Jim.
So today after school, Rachel and Hope came over to pick me up for a day of crazy cool fun.
First, we went to the Asian Market where I got some Pocky and some Japanese Green Apple Fruit Chews, both of which I didn't have in a long time. Then we went to Matt Jenkins' house and watched some of Ghost World and some Korean pop singers. There are some crazy Korean icons out there.
After this, we all went to Kin Lin. After that, we went over to Joe Heschmeyer's and took him over to Olive Garden. The free breadsticks were amazing and the waiter was really cool about our colorful language and such. Then we headed for suicide hill to play at the park there which was awesome because I never had a chance to climb on bars and things for ages. That was pretty much it.
There's some lightning that seems really close right now judging by how loud the thunder is. Well, oyasumi for now.
Tooku de kaminari ga natte iru (It's thundering in the distance.).
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Backtracking to yesterday. I get a call from Tom around 8 something in the morning and I find out the war is cancelled because Sean was supposed to record it but bailed out the last minute, but he and Ethan were going to the park anyway. I walk over there and see that I am early so I put on my dad's old marine coat and walk around until I found them. When I did, I showed them the Japanese laser tag game I got from Japan, which was made by SEGA making it even cooler. Rachel and Hope get there shortly after Tom and Ethan face off against each other. Rachel went against Ethan and ended up falling into some thorny bushes. So after that, we walked around the park for a while then headed for Winstead's. I got in with Rachel and Hope and on our way there, they decided to let me do a secret mission for them but they thought better of it. While at Winstead's, Tom and Rachel started dancing to a Beattles tune and I just drink my water. I got a Classic Limeade there.
Tom had to get a haircut after this so we go to his house with a little time to spare then we all procede to bug Sean for bailing on us. After that, we leave Tom to go to Rachel's house and watch Lost In Translation. Before we leave though, Rachel calls her sister and tells her to call Ethan as Mr. Struby. We get there and watch the movie. Wow. It was true to all the Japanese stuff. Incredibly awesome. Although the ending made me a little sad. After this, we drop Hope off at her place and proceed to Tom's house.
It is here they decide to make Melinda Loves Pedro: The Sequel. This,as you can guess, is a sequel, but, its a sequel to this notebook called Melinda Loves Pedro that Rachel and Hope found covered in BBQ sauce at a gas station. It was filled with stuff from magazines pasted in and covered with not that good poetry. So we go to the Hyvee and get a notebook to make it in. When we get back to Tom's house to make the sequel, Tom's sister lent us some of her magazines for material. I never really noticed how much they look alike. So then Ethan and Lizz come over and they help with the notebook. Becca Bryon called up and said that Mr. Provencher drove into a pole at the Mexico mission trip.
So after Ethan spends like an eternity on the phone with her, we go to Joe Heschmeyer's place. I rode with Rachel and Lizz there and we won the race getting there. Joe showed us his room and gave us more magazines for the notebook. So then Ethan got to drive Joe back to Tom's house but again, I ride with Rachel and she beats Ethan there. At Tom's house, Rachel needs to get to her house to get The Royal Tennenbaums. I go with her. She was kind of low on gas when we get to her house so we wait for her dad to get home so she can get some money for gas. It is while we were waiting that she found sidewalk chalk in her car so we draw on her driveway for a while then play lasertag then some more drawing with chalk. I tried to draw a picture of her anime style but I don't think it was any good and I'm sorry.
So after that, we drove to Kate Maxwell's house and waited for Tom and the gang over there. I showed Paula my laser tag game so she wanted to play against me so I ended up beating her. So then we go into Kate's backyard and jump on the trampoline. After a couple of minutes, Hank, Ethan, Tom, Lizz, and Joe show up. After talking in the backyard for a while, we go inside and talk and eat snacks. After that, The Royal Tennenbaums. Wow. This is one of the funniest movies, no, this is the funniest movie I ever seen. After that, Rachel wanted to head out for slurpees so Hank and I went with her. After we got back, the party was over and everyone was leaving so I got my stuff and parted ways with Rachel and Hank. Moral of the day, Rachel is really cool.
Rachel wa kakoii yo (Rachel is cool or something like that.).
Tom had to get a haircut after this so we go to his house with a little time to spare then we all procede to bug Sean for bailing on us. After that, we leave Tom to go to Rachel's house and watch Lost In Translation. Before we leave though, Rachel calls her sister and tells her to call Ethan as Mr. Struby. We get there and watch the movie. Wow. It was true to all the Japanese stuff. Incredibly awesome. Although the ending made me a little sad. After this, we drop Hope off at her place and proceed to Tom's house.
It is here they decide to make Melinda Loves Pedro: The Sequel. This,as you can guess, is a sequel, but, its a sequel to this notebook called Melinda Loves Pedro that Rachel and Hope found covered in BBQ sauce at a gas station. It was filled with stuff from magazines pasted in and covered with not that good poetry. So we go to the Hyvee and get a notebook to make it in. When we get back to Tom's house to make the sequel, Tom's sister lent us some of her magazines for material. I never really noticed how much they look alike. So then Ethan and Lizz come over and they help with the notebook. Becca Bryon called up and said that Mr. Provencher drove into a pole at the Mexico mission trip.
So after Ethan spends like an eternity on the phone with her, we go to Joe Heschmeyer's place. I rode with Rachel and Lizz there and we won the race getting there. Joe showed us his room and gave us more magazines for the notebook. So then Ethan got to drive Joe back to Tom's house but again, I ride with Rachel and she beats Ethan there. At Tom's house, Rachel needs to get to her house to get The Royal Tennenbaums. I go with her. She was kind of low on gas when we get to her house so we wait for her dad to get home so she can get some money for gas. It is while we were waiting that she found sidewalk chalk in her car so we draw on her driveway for a while then play lasertag then some more drawing with chalk. I tried to draw a picture of her anime style but I don't think it was any good and I'm sorry.
So after that, we drove to Kate Maxwell's house and waited for Tom and the gang over there. I showed Paula my laser tag game so she wanted to play against me so I ended up beating her. So then we go into Kate's backyard and jump on the trampoline. After a couple of minutes, Hank, Ethan, Tom, Lizz, and Joe show up. After talking in the backyard for a while, we go inside and talk and eat snacks. After that, The Royal Tennenbaums. Wow. This is one of the funniest movies, no, this is the funniest movie I ever seen. After that, Rachel wanted to head out for slurpees so Hank and I went with her. After we got back, the party was over and everyone was leaving so I got my stuff and parted ways with Rachel and Hank. Moral of the day, Rachel is really cool.
Rachel wa kakoii yo (Rachel is cool or something like that.).
Saturday, March 13, 2004
The battleground is studied. Strategy time. Hardy har har har. I'm gonna bust so many caps it won't be funny. Except it will, to me!!!!
Yesterday, I walked to Hank's house. I wore my sleeveless wrestling shirt there and took my military hat along. No doubt I looked odd to the drivers passing me by on Ward Parkway at nine in the morning. We walked to Loose Park once I got to Hank's house since Sean wasn't there. We walked the terrain there and I showed him some of my evasive rolling tactics. There was this guy yelling there. Hank yelled back. I yelled back. Since it was about the time Sean was supposed to come over to Hank's and we were still at Loose Park, we walked along the outskirts and then walked to Hank's house. Hank called Sean. Sean came over. He walked in when Hank was playin' GTA: Vice City on the computer and when I was killing every person I saw in Morrowind. Killing people in Morrowind is so fun. Then we messed with the artillery that Hank had acquired.
After that, a very messy scene from Kill Bill. That was the most awesome display of swordsmanship I have ever seen. So many katanas, so much blood. Awesome.
Then we messed on the computer while Hank played Rainbow Six: Three. Sean found a sattelite map of Loose Park on the computer. Then Sean suggested Jackass: The Movie. I never saw this movie before. Nothing is more funny than the senseless violence people inflict upon one another.
After a lot of violence, Sean had to go. I left at the same time. I walked home being the half-japanese kid I am. But on the way home, I stopped at Lucy Lynn Pastry and Party Shop. Oh my God. I bought two of the most awesome doughnuts I ever had. Mmm. So ended my mission for the day. So tired.
Minna oyasumi ( Goodnight, everybody.).
Yesterday, I walked to Hank's house. I wore my sleeveless wrestling shirt there and took my military hat along. No doubt I looked odd to the drivers passing me by on Ward Parkway at nine in the morning. We walked to Loose Park once I got to Hank's house since Sean wasn't there. We walked the terrain there and I showed him some of my evasive rolling tactics. There was this guy yelling there. Hank yelled back. I yelled back. Since it was about the time Sean was supposed to come over to Hank's and we were still at Loose Park, we walked along the outskirts and then walked to Hank's house. Hank called Sean. Sean came over. He walked in when Hank was playin' GTA: Vice City on the computer and when I was killing every person I saw in Morrowind. Killing people in Morrowind is so fun. Then we messed with the artillery that Hank had acquired.
After that, a very messy scene from Kill Bill. That was the most awesome display of swordsmanship I have ever seen. So many katanas, so much blood. Awesome.
Then we messed on the computer while Hank played Rainbow Six: Three. Sean found a sattelite map of Loose Park on the computer. Then Sean suggested Jackass: The Movie. I never saw this movie before. Nothing is more funny than the senseless violence people inflict upon one another.
After a lot of violence, Sean had to go. I left at the same time. I walked home being the half-japanese kid I am. But on the way home, I stopped at Lucy Lynn Pastry and Party Shop. Oh my God. I bought two of the most awesome doughnuts I ever had. Mmm. So ended my mission for the day. So tired.
Minna oyasumi ( Goodnight, everybody.).
Thursday, March 11, 2004
Do what I want 'cause I can't if I don't because I wanna
Be ignored by the stiff and bored because I'm gonna
Spit and retrieve 'cause I give and recieve because I wanna
Gonna get through your head, what the mystery man said because I'm gonna.
Hate to say I told you so, alright.
Come on.
Do believe I told you sooooo.
I feel like the Hives today. I can't believe I bought their cd a couple of summers ago. It was probably a heat or something. But it's definitely a cd that strangely lifts one's spirits. Crazy Swedes.
So there was the NET retreat yesterday. I did not like that. All the talking about the feelings and the worshipping God thing. I am a Christian, its just I don't feel right about talking about God. It makes me feel awkward. And I really didn't like how the NET people tried to get all buddy buddy with us. I hardly know these religious fanatics and then they try to be my best friend ever. Argh. I really hope they don't come back next year. Creepy religious people.
Finally, spring break is here! Ten days of worry free fun. Now I begin my training for the war at Loose Park. We get cap guns and water balloons but still, it will be awesome. By the end of the weekend, I will know my terrain and every little nook and cranny inside and out and we shall see who has the upper hand in the battle. The side with me of course. Because I am just that cool. And ninja-like. I will need to bring my camo gear. It'll be so awesome.
Sensoo ga hajimatta ( A war broke out.).
Be ignored by the stiff and bored because I'm gonna
Spit and retrieve 'cause I give and recieve because I wanna
Gonna get through your head, what the mystery man said because I'm gonna.
Hate to say I told you so, alright.
Come on.
Do believe I told you sooooo.
I feel like the Hives today. I can't believe I bought their cd a couple of summers ago. It was probably a heat or something. But it's definitely a cd that strangely lifts one's spirits. Crazy Swedes.
So there was the NET retreat yesterday. I did not like that. All the talking about the feelings and the worshipping God thing. I am a Christian, its just I don't feel right about talking about God. It makes me feel awkward. And I really didn't like how the NET people tried to get all buddy buddy with us. I hardly know these religious fanatics and then they try to be my best friend ever. Argh. I really hope they don't come back next year. Creepy religious people.
Finally, spring break is here! Ten days of worry free fun. Now I begin my training for the war at Loose Park. We get cap guns and water balloons but still, it will be awesome. By the end of the weekend, I will know my terrain and every little nook and cranny inside and out and we shall see who has the upper hand in the battle. The side with me of course. Because I am just that cool. And ninja-like. I will need to bring my camo gear. It'll be so awesome.
Sensoo ga hajimatta ( A war broke out.).
Saturday, March 06, 2004
I no longer fear driving. After driving for two more hours straight today, I am comfortable in my ability to drive. Zoom, zoom.
Sorry, I felt I had to put that in.
Very bored right now and I have a lot of energy. I don't have too much to write about now so I will comment on the fact that I have a pair of green socks on my feet. They're GREEN.
Since I made a new post last night, I wanted to see what it looked like, but since I have AOL and my parents are restrictive on my internet browsing, I can't see it for some reason. What caused my site to be blocked from a Mature Teen in AOL's eyes? WHAT?!?!? Well, hopefully after this post, I will be able to read my darned site again.
So yeah, my job hunt continues. Soon I'll leave for Cinemark and then get an application over there. Hopefully I will find my prey and get it (the job, that is.).
Eegakan e iku (go to the movie theater.).
Sorry, I felt I had to put that in.
Very bored right now and I have a lot of energy. I don't have too much to write about now so I will comment on the fact that I have a pair of green socks on my feet. They're GREEN.
Since I made a new post last night, I wanted to see what it looked like, but since I have AOL and my parents are restrictive on my internet browsing, I can't see it for some reason. What caused my site to be blocked from a Mature Teen in AOL's eyes? WHAT?!?!? Well, hopefully after this post, I will be able to read my darned site again.
So yeah, my job hunt continues. Soon I'll leave for Cinemark and then get an application over there. Hopefully I will find my prey and get it (the job, that is.).
Eegakan e iku (go to the movie theater.).
Friday, March 05, 2004
Everything seems very dull now that wrestling is over. It used to be that because it took up so much of my time, I was always exhausted and eager for the season to be over. Now that I look back on the season, I want those feelings back. It gave me a sense of working towards something, something more meaningful than just doing school work and doing everyday things. I hated every second of wrestling but now I miss being sore every other day, the pains in my knees from over wrestling on ithem, the glorious feeling after the referee raises my hand after winning a match, the fight!! I miss the struggle! Oh, how I long for struggle and pain and fighting. It made me alive more than any other thing could ever make me. I need a fight, a reason to fight, something to fight. The brief eternity while I am out in the ring makes me feel as if I can live forever and of the constant thought tugging at the back of my mind, "Will I win or lose?"
Who ever reads this, don't be discouraged by my yearning for the brief eternity I call wrestling. I usually get like this after wrestling season and I don't like it. I need something to occupy my time!! The boredom knaws at my very soul! AARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!
On a happier note, I had my first taste of block scheduling this week. Yesterday, I was surprised when school ended in 4th hour. Not a bad way to end a school day; being surprised that the day went by so fast. Also, Kit was supposed to bring some Korean curse words to German class. But he wasn't there. That was my let down of the day right there. I was really hoping to cuss people out in a language they didn't understand. Argh. In English class, we got to sit on the other side of the room. That was pretty cool.
I tried playing some Zelda: Windwaker today. That didn't go well. I had to stop playing because my Cube couldn't read the disc. Oh well, looks like Detective Conan tapes tonight then.
Instead of the usual Japanese at the end, lyrics from the chorus of the first Conan Opening song and no translation this time(bwahahahahahaah!!!!!!)!!
eraku mo nai shi
rippa demo nai
wakatteru no wa mune no dokidoki
kotae demo nai hontou demo nai
shinjiteru no wa mune no dokidoki
mune no dokidoki dake
Who ever reads this, don't be discouraged by my yearning for the brief eternity I call wrestling. I usually get like this after wrestling season and I don't like it. I need something to occupy my time!! The boredom knaws at my very soul! AARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!
On a happier note, I had my first taste of block scheduling this week. Yesterday, I was surprised when school ended in 4th hour. Not a bad way to end a school day; being surprised that the day went by so fast. Also, Kit was supposed to bring some Korean curse words to German class. But he wasn't there. That was my let down of the day right there. I was really hoping to cuss people out in a language they didn't understand. Argh. In English class, we got to sit on the other side of the room. That was pretty cool.
I tried playing some Zelda: Windwaker today. That didn't go well. I had to stop playing because my Cube couldn't read the disc. Oh well, looks like Detective Conan tapes tonight then.
Instead of the usual Japanese at the end, lyrics from the chorus of the first Conan Opening song and no translation this time(bwahahahahahaah!!!!!!)!!
eraku mo nai shi
rippa demo nai
wakatteru no wa mune no dokidoki
kotae demo nai hontou demo nai
shinjiteru no wa mune no dokidoki
mune no dokidoki dake
Monday, March 01, 2004
Job hunting. Stephan is job hunting. Stephan needs money for car insurance. Stephan needs money for gas once he gets a license. Stephan needs money to spend on the honeys (like that would ever happen.).
Well, now that wrestling season is over and my dad has been bugging me extra hard to get a job, I applied for a job at Hen House today. They didn't have any openings so Stephan needs a job elsewhere. I think I'll try the local book store tomorrow. Whatever the outcome, Stephan will have a job and make much money to spend and save.
So backtracking to Saturday. I had my last classroom session at driving school. There was a weird guy there this time who looked like a total metal head and an inappropriate shirt on. If anyone asks, I'll tell you, but I won't soil my blog with that stuff. So anyway, I had to take some more annoying tests and cram a lot more information in my head, but over all, it was good. Now I get to look forward to driving for six hours this week. Awesome.
Speaking of driving, I got to drive for the first time today. My dad took me to the Miege parking lot around six and I drove for about ten minutes. It was fun but scary at the same time. I don't think I'll be able to master this crazy cool driving thing for a while yet so if I run you over, its not my fault.
Tomorrow night is the Academic Excellance Award Night or as Liz so eloquently put it, the smart people party! I get to dress up and meet all the other smart people in my grade who I already know! I don't know why they have this but I hope they have free food. food.
Kare wa tsutomeguchi o sagashite iru (He is looking for work).
Well, now that wrestling season is over and my dad has been bugging me extra hard to get a job, I applied for a job at Hen House today. They didn't have any openings so Stephan needs a job elsewhere. I think I'll try the local book store tomorrow. Whatever the outcome, Stephan will have a job and make much money to spend and save.
So backtracking to Saturday. I had my last classroom session at driving school. There was a weird guy there this time who looked like a total metal head and an inappropriate shirt on. If anyone asks, I'll tell you, but I won't soil my blog with that stuff. So anyway, I had to take some more annoying tests and cram a lot more information in my head, but over all, it was good. Now I get to look forward to driving for six hours this week. Awesome.
Speaking of driving, I got to drive for the first time today. My dad took me to the Miege parking lot around six and I drove for about ten minutes. It was fun but scary at the same time. I don't think I'll be able to master this crazy cool driving thing for a while yet so if I run you over, its not my fault.
Tomorrow night is the Academic Excellance Award Night or as Liz so eloquently put it, the smart people party! I get to dress up and meet all the other smart people in my grade who I already know! I don't know why they have this but I hope they have free food. food.
Kare wa tsutomeguchi o sagashite iru (He is looking for work).